All Cataloged Religious Video Games (11/8/2016)
(click the image for interactive view and updated data)
This image represents the 1185 religious video games that were cataloged in Index (v.2) as of 10/8/2016, and it links to an interactive chart that will automatically update to match the Progressive Index's current development.
While the chart of Index (v.1) in my last blog post allows us to see some of the forces that shape the creation of religious games, such as the popularization of the Internet or the release of easy to use programming tools, this chart adds both a few hundred extra games as well as strong influence from the state of ongoing research. The huge dip in 2011, for instance, does not represent a drought in religious video game production. On the contrary, 2011, saw so much religious software released for Android devices that I stopped quantifying production for a few years to focus on analysis. As the data in Index (v.2) grows more and more complete, that valley will become a mountain.
Stay tuned for ongoing developments, and please use the "Contact" page to send in any games not yet included.
While the chart of Index (v.1) in my last blog post allows us to see some of the forces that shape the creation of religious games, such as the popularization of the Internet or the release of easy to use programming tools, this chart adds both a few hundred extra games as well as strong influence from the state of ongoing research. The huge dip in 2011, for instance, does not represent a drought in religious video game production. On the contrary, 2011, saw so much religious software released for Android devices that I stopped quantifying production for a few years to focus on analysis. As the data in Index (v.2) grows more and more complete, that valley will become a mountain.
Stay tuned for ongoing developments, and please use the "Contact" page to send in any games not yet included.